All posts in performance

Onion Procession


As part of the RSA:New Contemporaries I organized The Onion Procession for March 11, 2014. It is a continuation of my research into new forms of performance documentation. For the exhibition I presented seven new sculptures that were reliquaries of performances done while studying at DJCAD. The procession is part of reliquary tradition – we brought out the Onion Cellar sculpture and reenacted the original performance in the Princes Street Gardens. The reenactment included readings from two witnesses,  Mary Beth Quigley and Beth Savage. The reenactment was an imagined idea of what people would believe happened if only seeing the reliquary sculpture. In the original performance people came together to cut onions and cry. The re-enactment brought people together, this time watching me as I chopped onions and then consumed a bulb. We came back to the gallery and I read from the Onion Cellar chapter in Gunter Grass’ The Tin Drum. The audience was then invited to explore the entirety of the exhibition.

Here are some images from the event:



The Procession.


Marybeth Quigley as witness.




Beth Savage as witness.



Reading from the chapter Onion Cellar in Gunter Grass’ novel The Tin Drum.

Consider a Bard

A lovely account of a recent performance with Beth Savage. Thanks to her for the post: Click

Zines and Ancient Norse

I made it to HMC today and, though a bit messily, managed to insert some toner into the cartridge. I printed off the other pages of my zine. It is not completely finished (and should not be confused with the next Satellite issue which is still open for submissions until July 27). I changed around the hub wall to show off my new and inadvertent ink drawings.

After I finished at the HMC I went to Tayside Recyclers to move the last remnants of the Iceberg. You may not recognize it.

Tonight was a performance, at Generator Projects, “Ancient Norse is not a Luxury” by James Lee and Emilia Giudicelli. More info can be found Here and Here

The Tempest arrives.

My day began by waking up and thinking about what I could physically do. This wonderful and strenuous endurance taking week was nearly over – but could I survive to start my new job over the weekend? I quickly concluded that certain things I had thought about would not be happening, but other things would – and I was okay with it. I started off by choosing my favorite clothes and wearable gifts from the closet.

I added my usual notes and collected objects to the hub space. It was good to run into Sarah putting up a scroll, talk with Tracy and Edwin, Yvonne and Gerry (as they prepared the final of this weeks lunches), and all the other folks in the gallery.

I headed towards the city square. I missed the performances, due to the late start and various errands, but managed to make it for lunch. The rain left us sheltering beneath the huge columns of Caird Hall. We then headed to Chamber East to warm up and partake in the SerenA project’s workshop.

The workshop left us with our first piece in the installation for the evening’s Tempest – a mass of colorful ribbons hanging in the center of the space. More things were added. I brought the ghost shell of my iceberg. Alexander Storey Gordon put together the video installation. Alistair Wilson brought the Tag Tool. Raz collaged live audio with recordings from the week – conjuring an auditory storm. Many people added spoken verse and song. Pernille Spence gave a performance with flour, Jonathan Baxter with inflatable rafts.

Then, after a full week, I bid farewell. More things are happening without me. A film – Derek Jarman’s Tempest may be screened, the Tent of Life, What Has It Got in Its Pockets, and countless others may arrive. The sun will rise – and on the banks of the Tay will be a gathering of happily weary and delirious folk. I will join in cleaning up the space tomorrow morning – but for now, sleep.

Water Meander

An epic day.

Starting out with the Water Breakfast, hosted by Holly Keasey, at Olympia Leisure Center.

After our full breakfast we headed off to Finlathen park to walk the Dighty Burn with Rebecca Wade. It was simply a great day to be outside.

We met up with Ann Lolly and Susanna Silver for a talk before another great lunch, and then discussed the artifacts of our walk with Theresa Lynn.

More meandering the Dighty Burn and a stop for coffee before meeting with members of the Ye Amphibious Ancient Bathing Association and swimming in the Tay. My first time – and it felt great.

We then headed down the beach to celebrate the sun with poetry, fire, food, song, impromptu theater, and sand.

I smell of campfire and feel I may truly understand the word knackered for the first time. Can’t wait for tomorrow.

Bringing it.

Yes you all did – and I thank you – and Jonbro thanks you – and it was great – and damn do I need sleep – but this TAKES PRECEDENCE – so there.

These are all bad pictures of great things. There is even a cheat where I do a poor recreation of my talk/picture with a hastily devised screen shot.

Thanks to Fleet Collective and Chamber East, and Eilidh Mckay who didn’t know she would be our emcee but did a fine job!

In order of chronology for very limited means of posterity:

Morgan Cahn: BONE(r)S.

Ben Robinson: The genealogy of lolcats.

Ed Broughton: Pressure-sensitive tape.

Beth Savage: Things I like.


Theresa Lynn: Calendula officinalis.

Ruth Aitkin and Tara Chaloner: Hypnodog.

Sarah Gittins: Laughter.

Alex Tobin: Who was phone?

Jonathan Brodsky: Practical applications of paradox free time travel.

Holly Keasey: How to properly eat softmints.

The tent of death also briefly made an appearance.

Library, Education, Museum

Wednesday already. Lots of talking (verbal and non verbal) and listening (closely or otherwise) and sharing. I will start with my going to the library – to experience Gerry O’Brien’s 7 Sunsets in the local history center.

Then off to the HMC, where the open education event and Artists’ talk were scheduled. I was able to put some additions up on the hub space. This blog is picture heavy – while the hub space has my written notes from each day and various found and made objects.

Sarah Gittins placed her scrolls on the wall. She carries one around each day, inviting anyone to add on.

Talks happened, play, confrontation, silence, Lunch (again much thanks to Yvonne and crew) vhs was watched, archive’s discussed. This was a word heavy day – I filled up my notebook. I have one more picture, from Tracy MacKenna and Edwin Janssen’s talk. At the V&A dialogue in the Olympia Leisure Centre I left my camera in my bag.

My evening’s event was the BYOPPT at Chamber East – I have loads of bad pictures of the fabulous presenters who made my evening extraordinary – but I will leave that to another post.

Talk, Food, Lear.

Another day. Another long packed day. I finished my BYOPPT presentation and ran necessary errands (unfortunately causing me to miss the workshop at the REP).

I did make it to the library to see Theresa Lynn and produce art out of the bits in my pockets.

Then I went to the HMC to see Tracy and Edwin sorting through their archive for the Performing Worlds exhibition. They were doing the necessary discussion and organizing side of sorting out a 15 year collaborative adventure.

Then off to Generator Projects to hear from Neil Mulholland. There was also a discussion with the Generator committee and other people working with artist run spaces (and non-spaces). Lunch was served in between.

The Tent of Life, a roaming project of Tara Chaloner’s made its first appearance of the day outside the Generator building. Later it was seen snuggling up next to my Iceberg at Tayside Recyclers.

The evening was then taken over by the mad ravings of King Lear/Jeremy Hardingham. I really enjoyed it, along with the readings afterwards (oh – little violence!) and discussion. What a whirlwind – and the Tempest isn’t even scheduled until Friday (what day is it?!)

See you soon..

Treatment, Animals.

I started today off with an early morning water treatment at the Olympia Leisure Centre. I was pleased that Holly Keasey scheduled the open hours from 7:30-9:30 instead of the traditional water treatment start time of 5:30.

The next place I headed was the HMC to put a few notes and artifacts up in the hub from Saturday.

Then off to Camperdown Wildlife centre with Yvonne (and all the lunch supplies – including her delicious homemade nettle soup!) It was good to hear from Bradley about the efforts of Camperdown and other organizations concerning conservation. We walked around the park, and I sadly missed Beth Savage’s performance, to prepare lunch with Yvonne. I did get to hear the artist talks from Tim Collins and Reiko Goto.

Lunch, Food, Conversation, much attention from the curious (hungry) Peafowl.

Then more discussion. Living creatures, empathy, art, science, religion, …

Then written words from the Dudendance members about a piece they made in Huntly. We explored the grounds of Camperdown individually and came together to give our reflections. Gerry O’Brien shared a reading.

Back to the wilds of Dundee. We cleaned the dishes for tomorrow’s lunch at the Generator projects.

I left to head home, on my way posting up flyers for Wednesday’s BYOPPT event at Chamber East (8-11pm – be there or be square). Then, in preparation for tomorrow, baked a double batch of vegan/gluten free peanut butter, banana, and chocolate cookies (recipe:

Good night and see you tomorrow for more…

Time’s Rope, a Tempest, and Nomadic Cinema

Saturday. I am trying – as a personal goal – to do a blog post each day about my activities – on the same day. It is now 11:40 so I will try and keep it short.

Time’s Rope: (at the end of the journey – or not – with lunch)


Spinning Wait… Curses: no pictures from me – I was in the ritual and then in the downpour.

Shelter after the storm with the never ending bean burgers:

And Nomadic Cinema: Quite fun – but now I am seriously knackered after a full day.