Talk, Food, Lear.

Another day. Another long packed day. I finished my BYOPPT presentation and ran necessary errands (unfortunately causing me to miss the workshop at the REP).

I did make it to the library to see Theresa Lynn and produce art out of the bits in my pockets.

Then I went to the HMC to see Tracy and Edwin sorting through their archive for the Performing Worlds exhibition. They were doing the necessary discussion and organizing side of sorting out a 15 year collaborative adventure.

Then off to Generator Projects to hear from Neil Mulholland. There was also a discussion with the Generator committee and other people working with artist run spaces (and non-spaces). Lunch was served in between.

The Tent of Life, a roaming project of Tara Chaloner’s made its first appearance of the day outside the Generator building. Later it was seen snuggling up next to my Iceberg at Tayside Recyclers.

The evening was then taken over by the mad ravings of King Lear/Jeremy Hardingham. I really enjoyed it, along with the readings afterwards (oh – little violence!) and discussion. What a whirlwind – and the Tempest isn’t even scheduled until Friday (what day is it?!)

See you soon..

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