All posts in Performing Worlds

More hub

Another good day preparing. The hub is coming along – additions from Ruth, Beth, Sarah, myself, and Gameplay. The food donation box is ready to go. Looking forward to tomorrow.

Hub Setting Up

The walls that Jonathan made and brought to the HMC for us to use are up, and today they started gaining character. Here are a few shots, more to come tomorrow.

The Iceberg Installed

Spent the day at Tayside Recyclers installing my piece. I made a stop motion showing the process of building (from February) and installation (from today) – and here it is:

p.s. I am extremely tired and sore, and looking forward to another full day tomorrow.


Jonbro made a poster for the BYOPPT on the 13th. Now I just need to make my powerpoint. Spread the word – Fun and Free, 8-11.


Hello All,

We have extended the deadline to confirm participation until Friday June 1st.


This is a call for submissions for the first Dundee BYO.PPT (Bring Your Own Power Point) event. This is an opportunity to present your esoteric research, Youtube archeology, Lunch break doodles, and magical physics demonstrations. It is also an opportunity to recapture a much abused performance style.

You need only to give us a quick sentence about your topic, so we can compile publicity information, and ensure there will be enough content. You will be bringing you Powerpoint to the event on Wednesday June 13th, so there is plenty of time to make your presentation.

We want variety, so please forward this to anyone you think may be interested, or who needs a little prodding (for their own good) to try something new.

BYO.PPT events have happened many times internationally, and all that I have been witness too have been a blast, entertaining, and informative (not always all at once). If you cannot be a participant then at least mark it in your diary, and we will see you Wednesday June 13, 8pm at Chamber East.


There are two rules: You must have 20 slides, each displayed for 20 seconds, and you must present on a topic other than your day job, major, or primary field of study. While the first rule is bendable, the second should be strongly adhered to. We want to see Youtube archeology, lunch break doodles, correspondence with penpals, and magical physics demonstrations.

Relevant Details: The event will take place on Wednesday June 13, at 8pm, at the Fleet Collective on Panmure St. We will provide a projector, a mic, a computer running PowerPoint 2008 and Keynote 2008, and the ability to display a series of jpgs from a CD, or USB drive.

What We Need From You, The Participant
Confirmation by Friday June 1st. (email to

With: Name
One sentence biographical info
One sentence summary of your presentation topic

This event is part of Performing Worlds. More information on all the events in the festival can be found at